Open 7 days, Sunday to Thursday 8am-5pm, Friday & Saturday 8am-6pm

Risk Disclosure Statement

Important Notice:

We are excited to introduce you to the exhilarating experiences of scuba diving and/or snorkelling/freediving in our stunning underwater world. Safety is our utmost priority and we want to ensure you have a memorable and secure adventure. We require you to read the following information before participating in any scuba diving/snorkelling/freediving activity with us:

All participants must be medically fit to engage in scuba diving/snorkelling/freediving activities.

Scuba diving and freediving are adventurous activities that involve inherent risks. By participating in these activities with Dive Zone Whitianga, you acknowledge and accept the potential hazards, including but not limited to:

Natural Hazards and Disasters
Marine Life: Encounters with potentially dangerous marine life such as sharks, jellyfish, and other marine creatures.
Currents and Tides:
Strong underwater currents and tidal changes that can affect diving conditions.
 Underwater Visibility: Poor visibility due to murky waters, weather conditions, or suspended particles.
Weather Conditions:
Sudden changes in weather, including storms, high winds, and rough seas.
Natural Disasters:
Earthquakes, tsunamis, and other unforeseen natural events.

Health and Safety Risks:
Decompression Sickness (DCS): Also known as "the bends," resulting from rapid ascents.
: Injuries caused by pressure changes, including ear and sinus damage.
Drowning: Risk of drowning due to equipment failure, panic, or loss of buoyancy.
Hypothermia: Exposure to cold water temperatures.
Exhaustion: Physical exertion leading to fatigue.

Severe Outcomes:
These risks can lead to serious injury or death. It is crucial to be aware of and prepared for these potential outcomes.

Health Declaration:
You must advise us of any pre-existing health conditions or previous dive injuries before participating in any activities. This information is vital for your safety and the safety of others.

Zero Tolerance for Drugs and Alcohol:
DiveZone Whitianga enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol. Participants must not consume or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol before or during any diving activities. Violation of this policy will result in immediate removal from the activity and possible cancellation of your participation without a refund.

Safety Record and Management:
Dive Zone Whitianga is highly experienced with an excellent safety record. We have a detailed safety management plan that mitigates these risks as much as practically possible. Despite these precautions, residual risks remain.

Cancellation Policy:
We reserve the right to cancel any trips or courses if we determine that we cannot adequately mitigate these risks. Your safety is our top priority.

  • Participant Responsibilities:
    You must follow all crew instructions when in the water and on the boat. If you believe that any instructions may endanger you, you should voice your concerns immediately.

  • You agree to notify management of any behaviour or actions you witness that you deem unsafe or putting individuals at risk as soon as practicably possible. Speak up to the staff present if you observe any such issues.

  • Should you be supplying some or all of your own equipment for your dive/snorkel/freedive with us, it is your responsibility to ensure that it is serviced and fit for purpose. We reserve the right to decline your use of your own equipment if our staff become aware that it is not fit for purpose.

By booking any course or dive trip with Dive Zone Whitianga, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the risks involved in scuba diving and freediving, and you agree to adhere to all safety protocols and instructions provided by Dive Zone Whitianga.


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